Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Voodoo Museum

For some reason, I have always had a weird fascination with ghosts, spirits, and things regarding things once you pass over on the other side. Even though, I have never seen a ghost myself (and I totally want to, so not seeing one has not been by choice) when researching about New Orleans before I came here, focused on the supernatural. The first time I came to New Orleans, I bought one of the good vibe voodoo dolls and I don’t know if I am just crazy or it actually worked, but I felt better when I had it with me. And yes, I brought it to school and showed my friends back home. They really thought something was wrong with me, but when I moved into my dorm, I bought another one and I have it up and see it everyday. I am also one that tries to not make fun of any type of voodoo practices or anything involving ghosts. I do not know why, but all I can think about is this one line from The Princess and the Frog.” The Voodoo Man says he has friends on the other side. So I thought, “Do I?” So in case anyone who has passed away can hear me, I want to respect them and the life the lived. So naturally when it was brought up in class that we were going to go to The Voodoo Museum, I was more than stoked to go. I was ready to go experience what New Orleans Voodoo was and see it in a different perspective then I was use to.

When we went I could not contain my excitement. I was ready to learn about something I had been interested in, but did not know a lot about. The museum itself is quirky and has an eclectic feeling to it. It definitely was not what I was expecting, but I’m glad it wasn’t. I had pictured a very fancy and proper museum. I don’t know why I thought this was going to be like every other museum I had been to before, but I’m so happy it wasn’t. It was an organized mess of stuff and it was perfect!! Naturally, I wanted to buy something, so I did. I bought two bags of Gris Gris and a book about ghosts in New Orleans. One of the bags of Gris Gris is suppose to bring me good fortune and the other is supposed to bring me good luck. I have no idea if they actually worked, but what’s the harm of following the directions and seeing what happens? Going to the Voodoo Museum has been one of my favorite things that I have done since I have been in New Orleans. It is something that everyone should try to go to.  Even though a lot if people do not believe in the practice of voodoo, it is part of New Orleans history that cannot be forgotten and should be embraced. It is a once in a lifetime situation to experience the authentic version of voodoo. I’m so happy I went and I hope more people will go and experience voodoo.

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