Sunday, December 8, 2013

Audubon Zoo

One Monday afternoon, after my morning classes, my friends and I realized that we have yet to visit the Audubon Zoo. So naturally, we went immediately. The elephant exhibit is being closed so that they can rebuild it and the lady at the front said that we wouldn’t be able to see the elephants, but guess what? She was wrong. We got up close and personal with them. I swear I was maybe two feet away from this gigantic animal that kept lifting it’s trunk to reach out and touch me, but the zoo keeper didn’t let her. While I was there I also danced with a parrot!! How many people can say they’ve done that?! I didn’t hold the parrot, but it was on a branch dancing to Jamaican music and I danced along. We swayed left and right together. That parrot had great rhythm. That was the most fun Monday I have had in New Orleans.

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