Saturday, December 14, 2013

Haley Reinhart!!! (pt. 2)

So in my previous post, I talked about my idol Haley Reinhart is in town and how I just really, really wanted to meet her. Well, guess what: I DID!!!

My friend tweeted me that she was at a performance at UNO and so I talked to some of my friends and they all encouraged me to go seek her out. I was very nervous because I didn't want to seem like a stalker or just ambush her or something, but eventually I decided that it was my chance and I got a ride to UNO.

We arrived just as the performance was ending, and I ran into my friend who tweeted me. My friend told me Haley was still in the audience, but she (my friend) had to go find her brother and leave and wished me luck. Anyway, my other friend and I scanned the audience as they exited the auditorium, but couldn't find her. We started walking around to all the other exits, and then I ran into my friend who tweeted me.

She was like, "Bryan! Bryan! Come see! I found her, and I told her you wanted to meet her!" So I followed her and I can still vividly picture that moment laying eyes upon the gorgeous Haley for the first time. I started shaking and breathing so quickly, I was so excited. I ran up to her and gave her a hug and we talked for a couple minutes. She said she loves New Orleans and it's such a fabulous city, to which I agreed of course. She also said "I'll see you back down here for my tour, right?" with a little hint in her voice, which is amazing because it's kind of a running joke between Haley Reinhart/her fans that she still has never gone on a solo tour and it's always getting pushed back. She told me she recognized me from Twitter (FAINTING!!!) and I told her this was the best day of my life (true) and she was so sweet and gracious and kind. She took a picture with me, then I wanted to take a selfie with her and she took the phone from me and instructed me on how to take the proper selfie. Overall she was just so sweet and kind and perfect and her voice and appearance are everything I imagined it to be. I can't even believe I met her! Like, she's a real person! It really was one of the craziest moments of my life. My emotions were so high. I'm soooo happy, and I just felt the need to share my elation with this blog. Here's our pictures we took

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