Sunday, December 8, 2013

Time Vortex

Do you ever think that maybe you were born in the wrong time period? Maybe something happened right before you were born that you know being there would have made all the difference. The Civil Rights Movement, for example. I feel like if I was there, I could have been one more person helping the Blacks or have just been one more body to pile up with the rest of those killed fighting for what was right, I could have helped make the change. That maybe the change would have been made that much sooner or with that many more followers or with that much more of a push in the right direction. Thinking back to the Elizabethan Era where girls had barely any rights, but they were okay with that because that's all they knew. Those girls were beautiful little fools. Beautiful little fools who couldn't see what was right in front of them (ie. poverty, hunger, death, disease). Sometimes I wish I was a beautiful little fool who doesn't have any care in the world; who does what she's told without second guessing it; who doesn't feel bad about all the luxuries she has in her life because she doesn't realize that there is poverty all over the world. In some cases, being a beautiful fool is better than being a beautiful intellect.

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