Thursday, December 5, 2013

Being from the West Bank

I grew up on the west bank. If you ask any native Orleanian (who didn't grow up on the west bank) about the west bank, they'll probably scoff and say, "The west bank? Horrible. Psh, wankers." (which is true, the west bank is both affectionately and not-so-affectionately referred to as "the Wank".)

And from a west banker's perspective, that's completely true. But of course, all west bankers think that only a west banker can say that the west bank sucks. Basically, it's kind of like the culture-less little brother of New Orleans.

I spent my early years moving around in Gretna and Terrytown, which are actually not even part of Orleans Parish. Then I spent some time in Algiers and Algiers Point when I was a bit older. These places are in Orleans Parish and considered part of New Orleans. Then I moved back to Gretna for a couple of years, before finally my family settled in Algiers (not the Point). It sounds a bit confusing, but basically I've lived in a bunch of different places on the west bank my whole life (sans the year after Katrina).

Okay, let's get it out the way: Gretna and Terrytown suck. Well, they're nice little residential neighborhoods and they have a fair amount of businesses and a more town-like feel. It was fun when I was a kid, but I would've HATED to be a teenager there. There's just... not that much that's interesting over there. Plus, it's a trek to even get to this side of the river.

I'm much more familiar with Algiers and Algiers Point. Algiers Point is very charming with its old architecture. There's still a lot of small businesses everywhere and it has a very quaint, old-time feel to it. Crime can be a problem, though. It is also very close to the levee and the ferry, so this side of the river is only a boat-ride away. It was nice when I was younger to just take a day trip with my grandma to the ferry, and to go to the Aquarium or walk down Canal Street or something.

Algiers is basically more residential. There's also not that much to do when you're a teenager, but it's better than Gretna and Terrytown. Everyone who is around the same age in Algiers tends to know, or know about, each other, so the upside of living in Algiers is having a lot of friends, or at the least, acquaintances.

There are some advantages to living on the west bank. For one, the streets are much wider. No maneuvering down those tiny little lanes with cars on both sides. Second, you don't have to deal with tourists!

There are, well, plenty of disadvantages to living on the west bank. First, most of anything interesting or cultural in New Orleans is on the east bank, so you have to find some way, ferry or vehicle, to traverse the Mississippi River. A word about this, though: yes, it does take some time and energy, but for some reason east bankers think the west bank is soooo far away. No. It literally takes like 10 to 15 minutes at the most if there isn't any traffic to get to and from the east bank. Now, if there's traffic or you're moving slowly, then yes, it does take some time, but 40 minutes at the absolute most, except for rare occasions. But for some reason east bankers avoid the west bank like the plague with the excuse "It's so far away," yet we west bankers had to travel to the east bank every single day for school. Second reason, there are really no good schools, especially high schools, on the west bank. Therefore, one must travel to and from the east bank every day if they want a good education. Third, as a result of going to school on the east bank, most of your friends will be from there, and so you might feel left out on the west bank because you can't just go see them or hang out with them easily. However, you'll probably have west bank friends you can hang out with!

In short, even though I think the west bank does suck, I have a lot of pride in where I come from. I love New Orleans and the west bank is a valid, if much less interesting, part of it that east bankers especially seem to have some sort of extreme aversion to. It's really not that bad! I guess that's the whole point of this post. Yeah, I tell people all the time "Don't go to the west bank, there's nothing interesting there" but really just keep your mind open and don't be afraid of the Wank.

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