Friday, December 6, 2013

Celeb Alert

As Loyola students we are blessed with the opportunity to live in the Garden District of New Orleans, one of the most beautifully settled areas in the city. There is a lot of wealth in this part of town and with that comes a population of celebrities. Sandra Bullock, Brangela, Stifflers mom (from American Pie) all live here.  Not to mention the constant stream of celebrities in and out due to movie and television seris filming.  I have friends who've met Jonna Hill in a coffee shop, almost killed Brad Pitt on his bicycle with their car, and rubbed elbows with cast members of American Horror Story at Whole Foods, as well as the Republic. Apparently Stifler's Mom frequents the Velvet Expresso Bar on Magazine street and even pops into the Buffalo Exchange occasionally.  Will Smith was just down here and now Ryan Reynolds is on location for a movie too. Back in 2004 Lindsey Lohan was a regular Boot goer while she was down for a movie, partying with the college kids.  There seems to be no shortage of low-key celeb interactions in the Garden District.

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