Sunday, December 15, 2013

Rodents, Roaches, and the Riverwalk.

While most things about New Orleans are very different from New York, one thing is consistent, pests. Just like at home, large roaches and rats seem to roam the streets as if they are casual citizens of the city. Often times, especially in the summer, there are so many roaches running across the sidewalk that it is a game just to dodge them. These are serious roaches too, for the most part they seem to be larger than a quarter, and a good number of them can fly. In New York, we called roaches like these waterbugs, and I have come to the conclusion that these bugs will follow me everywhere I go.

The roaches are noticeable during your first walk through the city, but the rats of New Orleans are a little bit more hidden. While walking down the Riverwalk for the first time at night, I noted to myself that the rocks leading down into the Mississippi would be a dream home for rats. Then, without warning, a rat that must have been a foot long (not including the tail), scurried in front of me quite boldly. I was shocked, as even the large rats of Brooklyn did not compare to this monstrosity. I suppose pests are just an inescapable part if the world.

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