Friday, December 13, 2013

Lake Pontchartrain

One of my favorite things to do in New Orleans is to go to the Lakefront.  My family lives out in Metairie and one of my favorite things to do is run along the levee and look out at Lake Pontchartrain.  When I go to the levee with my niece and sister we spend hours just rolling down the levees, we used to even bring boxes to go “sledding” down the levees.  We sit out there and have picnics and I think it’s so peaceful.  Sometimes my family will bring nets and we’ll go crabbing and sometimes, my uncle will bring his boat out and we’ll go around the Lake and see all the wildlife, even some alligators.  Then sometimes we’ll go out to eat at R&O’s on the levee to get pizza or po’boys or my favorite, stuffed artichoke.  This is family’s favorite restaurant and we spend hours there just talking and catching up.   We have been doing this since I was little, and I don’t think this tradition will change anytime soon.

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