Wednesday October 23, my generous and utterly fabulous Seminar teacher sent out an email to us all saying that she had ticket to the Pelicans Vs. Heat game that she wasnt able to utilize thus offering them up to us. I hopped on this opportunity and luckly was the first one to call dibs on them. I was happy to have the distraction as tragety struck my hometown when a teacher at my former highschool was murdered. It was surreal that something that henious would take place where I had grown up and getting to go to the basketball game was a nice reprive from the news. Also this was my first basketball game ever, so that was pretty exciting.
I'm a Public Relations major and earlier this year I had gone to a PRSA meeting where the senior director of marking and business development for the Pelicans and Saints, Ben Hales spoke. He gave a presination outlining the rebranding of the Pelicans which added another level of apperciation to the opportunity I had going to the game.
For the majority of the game the Pelicans were winning and it was thrilling. During the half time they had a drumline of highschool students come out that a was sensational display of talent. In the end the Pelicans lost to the Heat which, I mean was ultimately expected, but still a let down. It was a great time I would highly recommend seizing the opportunity to go whenever you have the chance!
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