Tuesday, December 10, 2013

New Orleans Weather

No other place has weather quite like new orleans, where it can be beautiful and  sunny one minute and then luring down rain the next or worst, freezing cold AND raining. and that is exactly what happened on my birthday last friday. i woke up and it was a sunny breezy day. i went to class had lunch outside with friends it was perfect. then i went to work and had planned to go out afterwards with co workers. well we went out but we were soaking wet and freezing by the time we finally got to our destination. i mean we literally parked about 200 ft from the front door but that walk to the door was horrendous, the wind was blowing, it was about 40 degrees, and it was pouring down rain and no one had brought an umbrella. my whole entire outfit was drenched but all in all we still had a foot time that night. after we got warm that is.

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