Monday, December 2, 2013


One day I was really tired of being on campus and in Uptown, so I decided to go to the Canal Street Starbucks to do homework. I was so excited to get off of campus and go Downtown. I’m more of a city person anyways. The last time I had been in New Orleans, this Starbucks was under construction, so I was stoked to see what it looked like. At home, I live off of Starbucks. I’m addicted to it. At that point, I had not had Starbucks in about 2 months, so I was craving it hard-core. I was really interested to see what kind of people were going to be there. I was guessing all tourists. For the most part I was right. When I came to New Orleans my first time, my mom and I fell into the Starbucks trap, too. The majority of the people had been tourists, too afraid to try CC’s or PJ’s. I did notice some locals. That surprised me. I would have guessed that they would choose CC’s or PJ’s over Starbucks any day. I really enjoyed doing homework there. It was the one time since I have been in New Orleans that I felt like I was at home. I have tried CC’s, but not PJ’s. Usually I am one to support local businesses, but personally Starbucks takes the win on which coffee shop is the best.

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