Monday, December 2, 2013

Casual Stroll During a Tropical Storm

I was never one to worry about storms. In Omaha we often have tornado warnings, but no one takes them seriously. My roommate told me tropical storm warnings were the same thing, just a lot of rain. Back in October when there was a tropical storm warning we, my roommate and I, decided to walk to Walgreens, again. We both wore our rain boots because it looked like it was going to rain. Well half way there we both felt ridiculous because there was no rain. Suddenly the sky became very dark and it started to pour. The wind began to pick up and streets were flooding. We were completely drenched within seconds. We were almost there so we just kept walking and finally made it to our destination. Both of our rain boot were filled with water and every piece of clothing we had on was completely soaked through. I love the rain so I thought it was fun, just a rain storm. It may not have been the best decision to wander the streets of New Orleans during a tropical storm, but it makes quite a memory.

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