Monday, December 2, 2013

K Paul's Restaurant

When on vacation, my family members and I take turns picking restaurants to eat at. This particular night it was my brother’s turn; too lazy to really research his choices, he opened a food guide blindly and told us the first place he saw: K Paul’s, an upscale and definitely reputable place in the Quarter.
Well. As serious lovers of food, our standards are pretty high when it comes to restaurant cuisine. The food at this place is seriously among the most delicious anything I’ve ever tasted. The type of delicious that when you eat one bite, you know you’re not going to eat based on hunger or fullness cues. Your eating will revolve around whatever is in front of you in whatever crazy quantity needing to be consumed.
The flavors are INSANE. Even something as simple as the salad dressing was worth remarking on—months later, I still remember it was some tangy herb-y pesto-y stuff from heaven.
We ate to our heart’s content and were literally unable to finish the bread pudding for dessert (we might have exploded). We took the remains home, and my Dad reheated it for breakfast the next morning. Yes, that happened. Have you ever had last night’s leftover restaurant dessert for breakfast? Yes, it was that good. GO HERE.

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