Monday, December 2, 2013

Audubon Runs

One of my favorite things about being a college student in New Orleans, more specifically a Loyola student, is the proximity of the school to Audubon Park. Since I was young I’ve always loved running—as an endorphin junkie I love physical activity of any type, and I think the runner’s high is one of the best feelings in the world. For most of high school, running for me happened on the readily available treadmill in my home. Then I moved to New Orleans, with this gorgeous nature-bursting park almost literally my backyard. I can’t believe now I ever used to run on a treadmill.
What can I say about Audubon except for that it’s almost inhumanely beautiful? It definitely belongs more to the wildlife—endless graceful birds and the usual squirrels, raccoons and more—than the countless runners, dog walkers and people in need of fresh air. Or maybe it belongs the most to the endless canopies of New Orleans’ landmark oak trees, those countless elegantly stooped willows, providing just the right amount of shade on a hot day.
            I can’t explain what it feels like to run the exactly 1.8 mile loop through all of it, just soaking up the natural beauty and the sunshine and the intermittent flow of other friendly people doing exactly the same thing. The best time for Audubon runs is definitely Sunset; it’s almost an out of body experience, feeling breathless from running and watching the sky change colors through the trees. It’s something I don’t think I’ll ever get used to. 

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