Monday, December 2, 2013

Southern Decadence

Southern Decadence. Where do I begin? At the beginning of the school year New Orleans was like a foreign country to me. The way people interact with each other felt like a something out of a movie. Every weekend there is something new and different to do; it's a never ending celebration here. One of my first outings in the city was for Southern Decadence. The streetcar ride downtown alone was something to remember. People dressed up, or rather dressed down, in skimpy outfits to express their sexuality. When I finally made it downtown, Bourbon Street was packed shoulder to shoulder with people. I met so many strangers who instantly became my friend. I watched the parade go by and danced with a man dressed up as Cher as we got completely drenched in a flash rainstorm. Definitely a great way to start life in New Orleans.

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