Monday, December 2, 2013

Welcome to New Orleans

The perks of being a college student: One of the ways I was welcomed to New Orleans was by one really great band STRFKR (pronounced Starfucker. The acronym spelling makes selling their music at places like Target a lot easier I’m assuming.) I have no idea what genre to call their music but it sounds kind of like a futuristic space-reminiscent indie rock meets trip hop meets electronic something or other. Whatever they are, their music is great, and though I’d heard of them, I’d never listened to them when, during the first week of classes,  they had a free concert on the very large and that night muddy quad at Loyola’s neighboring Tulane University.
Basically it was an awesome experience to just dance to some really great music among an excited crowd of returning college students in the muggy late summer New Orleans weather, for free. It launched my immediate love of New Orleans for sure. Something about STRFKR’s weirdly spacial sounds went perfectly well with the funky New Orleans vibe that night. It was like the city was welcoming me. The quad was so muddy one of my favorite pairs of shoes was destroyed and I haven't been able to wear them since. Still, I ain't even mad. It was fun. 
Side note: I met the lead singer! He was really awkward, and really, really nice.

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