Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Saints vs. Seahawks

      Last night was an interesting night for me in football. I cannot say that I am a huge football fan, I hardly follow football other than when my team is doing well, and lately, they have been. I own both a Saints and a Seahawks jersey, representative of my two homes, but when they are the top two teams in the nation (number three being my sister's team, the Denver Broncos) my allegiances are undecided.
Having just returned home to Seattle for Thanskgiving, Seattle though was proud in my blood. Even though I am proud of my regional identity (if it even exists), it doesn't even compare to any pride than a New Orleanian could have felt when the Saints won the Superbowl after Hurricane Katrina. There is a collective pride in being from New Orleans that exists less for other regions of the country since globalization. 
      In the end, the Seattle creamed New Orleans 34-7. I felt a sting of pride, and then sadness as a new New Orleanian. But I realized that through football, regional identity still exists, if nowhere else, but New Orleans.

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