Wednesday, November 20, 2013

One of my favorite restaurants

The first time I came here with my Mom a few months ago, we found ourselves somewhat stranded in the Garden District—hot, tired, and STARVING after a 2 hour walking tour through Lafayette Cemetery and what’s probably the more touristy part of the Garden District. By Magazine St. and unwilling to walk that much farther, we took a chance and walked into one of the first acceptable looking restaurants we saw: Coquette, a tiny cafĂ© style place sandwiched on a street corner. It’s one of the best chances we took and I’ve gone back at like every possible opportunity since.
The food is basically a classy funky twist on creole food—so think all those amazing comfort food flavors-- shrimp and grits, etc.-- mixed with the fanciness and good taste of French food. Also, all their food is fresh and locally grown; basically, good quality, authentic, unique, DELICIOUS food. It's worth the semi-expensiveness. To better explain their unique style, when we ordered funnel cake for dessert, we imagined/expected something along the lines of the typical big hunk of fried dough and powdered sugar type of thing you'd get at the Fair. This is what we got: 
-Definitely recommend this place.

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