Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Just something generally great about New Orleans

A few weeks ago when I was walking to the free showing of 12 Years a Salve at Prytania Theatre through a typical Uptown New Orleans neighborhood, I passed this hilarious house that I don’t think I’ll ever forget—this was maybe the week before Halloween, so to put it in context nearly every house in all of Uptown was completely decked out in Halloween decorations.
Picture one of those hugely oversized, creepy old-fashioned architecture houses that characterize all of the Garden District. The front yard was FULL of showy Halloween decorations—like it looked like someone dumped three Party City warehouses onto these people’s lawn-- with hilarious pun tombstones, dressed skeletons, etc., etc. By now the only one I remember is a skeleton dressed in rock and roll hippie clothes with plaques like “the Grateful Dead" but my memory does this house NO justice, its decorations would definitely qualify it as an outdoor museum. I LOVE how seriously locals take things like Halloween; it adds so much to the funkiness of the New Orleans atmosphere.

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