Monday, November 25, 2013

My 'Gone With the Wind' Moment

            My favorite movie, and book no matter how far I look back has been Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With the Wind. It’s one of the reason’s that I’ve always been attracted to the South, and plantation in general. And yesterday I had a lifelong dream realized, I got to visit a creole plantation on the Mississippi river. Tara, the plantation in Gone with the Wind was in Georgia and land-locked, and New Orleans was the place of Rhett and Scarlett’s honeymoon, so obviously I decided to take a four year honeymoon with the city of New Orleans.
            What I realized though is the distinct “creole-ness of Louisiana plantations. The Laura plantation (the only that was owned by a woman)was all different colors, the reason being that the humidity especially near the river, will turn a white neo-classical house, green. I still could sing the Tara theme song in my head though as I looked over the beautiful fields and gardens. I came to feel like Scarlett O’Hara but stayed to appreciate the distinctive creole-ness of these beautiful Louisiana Creole plantations. 

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