Friday, November 22, 2013

Bounce Night

Everyone knows about jazz coming from New Orleans, but another distinctly New Orleans musical tradition is bounce music. Bounce music is that music with the quick and repetitive beat and lyrics, popularized by artists such as Big Freedia and Sissy Nobby (personally, I'm a fan of Keedy Black). It's a highly energetic style of music that gets people dancing and, well, twerking.

I'm a fan of bounce music and have been wanting to go to bounce night at the Republic for a long time. Since I finally turned 18 the other week, I decided to go with a couple of friends last night (November 21, 2013). Now, I am the worst dancer in the entire world, but there's just something about bounce music that gets you moving and feeling the beat. I probably looked like an idiot, especially compared to all the people who were out there that could actually dance, but I don't care - listening to bounce just gives one the irresistible urge to move to the beat.

The night opened with Keedy Black. When she did her song Hammer (video below), I was just so excited. I just really love that song and it has a great beat and I love dancing to it and singing along. Next was Katey Red, who I love as well, followed by DJ Jubilee, also awesome and great to dance to, then Sissy Nobby, who I suppose was the main attraction. It was a great night full of dancing and twerking.

Speaking of twerking, I will never cease to be amazed at how some people can move their rear ends and thighs in such a manner. It's just so...intense. And everything just seems to move so...independently of the rest of the body.

Either way, I think bounce music is such an interesting part of New Orleans culture. Yes, it can be very obscene, but it's super fun and impossible to stay still when a bounce song comes on. I think bounce night is a night everyone should experience at least once.

As promised, here is the video to Hammer by Keedy Black. Beware: it's super obscene and explicit. But I love it anyway.

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