Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Miss Yolanda

A first couple of weeks into school my roommate and I decided we needed to go to some sort of drugstore. We ended up going to the Walgreens near by. We got there, did our shopping, and went to check out in the cosmetics. I asked the cashier where something was and that's where it all began. Her name is Miss Yolanda and she is one of the greatest individuals I have met in New Orleans so far. She grabbed my arm and took me by the hand and found the item I was looking for. We then sat and talked with Miss Yolanda for a while. She talked to us about school, Tulane football players, and parties she went to when she was our age. She warned us about punch at frat parties. She was the most interesting, outgoing, kind, hilarious woman. We went back to Walgreens a few weeks later and Miss Yolanda was working, she recognized us and started talking. She was really excited and said she had something for us. It ended up she got 3 numbers from Tulane students that came in and she talked about us. She told the boys we were blonde from New Jersey even though I have dark hair and my roommate has red hair and I'm from the mid-west and my roommate is from the south. It was definitely an experience to meet such an interesting woman.

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